Spiritual Healing


1) What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual Healing is spiritually guided energy connecting to the energy system in your body. Spiritual Healing assists in opening up and clearing the energy system in your body to promote healing.


3) What is Spiritual Healing Session Like?

Healing is very personal. Everyone has had different experiences in their life which directly affect their energy system. Each Spiritual Healing session varies depending upon the individual and the healing that is being required. 

4) What should I wear to a Spiritual Healing Session?

You are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing, remove glasses, shoes and unnecessary heavy jewelry. Since you remain fully clothed it is important for you to be completely comfortable. I also ask that you leave you cell phone and other electronic devices off so there are no interruptions during your session.

5) What if I’m seeing a Physician, Psychologist or complimentary care provider?

Spiritual Healing is a wonderful compliment what you are already working with your Physician. Spiritual Healing does not interfere with medication. Spiritual Healing should in no way take the place of licensed medical care. Spiritual Healing works in concert, with many complimentary treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture, counseling and physical therapy. I personally have worked with a number of patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation and the clients report to me and their physicians the benefits. I encourage you to share with your physician that you are receiving Spiritual Healing so that he/she can take in account as your symptoms and overall wellness may improve.

6) Do I have to understand what Spiritual Healing is to work?

No, Spiritual Healing can be difficult to grasp, that is why experiencing Spiritual Healing sessions are the only way to better understand how it can help you. Just like you have a circulatory system and muscle system you have and “energy system”. The more you receive Spiritual Healing the more you energy system “remembers” to keeps the pathways clear and not hold on the emotions, thoughts feeling that are not naturally good for you.


7) How often should I receive Spiritual Healing?

It would be wonderful to receive Spiritual Healing on a daily basis, however, unless you get trained in Spiritual Healing that isn’t realistic. Like most practices that encourage better health (i.e. exercise, diet) it is best to incorporate Spiritual Healing as a part of your health routine. After an initial visit, I discuss with you how often would be best for them to receive Spiritual Healing based on what I felt and your goals. I have found that men & women who receive Spiritual Healing 2-4 times a month have reported the most healing benefits. I encourage you to receive 4 sessions in one week apart at first to open up and begin balancing your energy system then discussing if you’d like them more spread out. It really depends on you as you ultimately decide what is best for you!

8) Can Spiritual Healing help with mental & emotional stress?

Absolutely, Spiritual Healing has a huge impact on shifting our negative thoughts and emotions back to what is naturally good for you. It is important to understand that this would most likely happen over a series of many treatments and depends largely on what you are doing in between session to help with your own personal healing. Spiritual Healing can help with depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders, loss of a loved one, eating disorders and more. If you are seeing licensed counselor Spiritual Healing could be used a compliment to that work to promote healing on emotional and mental levels. 

9) Can I receive Spiritual Healing during Cancer Treatments?

Yes, we are seeing more and more complimentary care practices as Cancer Centers and local hospitals. Physicians & Nurses are quickly recognizing the benefits of relaxation and healing that can take place during Spiritual Healing sessions and the positive affect is has on patients. Some examples, are less pain, less pain medication taken, feeling of comfort, clarity is making decisions, spiritual connection, less nausea and feeling back to normal after treatments. Spiritual Healing should be used only as a compliment to your physician treatment plan.

10) Should I receive Spiritual Healing when I have no apparent physical or emotional issues?

Yes, there are always underlying factors that we may not see or feel the surface. I highly recommend experiencing Spiritual Healing on a regular basis for general well-being and overall preventative health. Many people use Spiritual Healing to help maintain low blood pressure, for better sleep, as relaxation and other preventative measures; like they would their diet, exercise and meditation routines.

11) Does Spiritual Healing have any religious affiliations?

No, Spiritual Healing is not connected with any religious organization. Since energy & love are universal so is Spiritual Healing. Men & women from all religious backgrounds practice and receive Spiritual Healing.